It's been seven months since my last blog post, so I would not be disappointed to learn I don't have many followers. They have been very productive months for my work, however. I feel like I am homing in on my voice as a painter. I made a concentrated series of a dozen "abstract" pieces (all 30"/76cm to 36"/91cm square), dwelling with the idea of pure art: paintings that have no reference beyond themselves, and so they depict nothing but paintings. These were critical to my ongoing development in painting, and the final piece in that series (depicted below) unlocked a manner of working that feels very personal and very proper to me. (continued below image)
Kindred (oil on canvas 36"/91cm square) 2016
I continue to use all the techniques from that series (color harmonies, mixing from primaries, a kind of controlled smear, and almost exclusive use of painting knives) in my most recent work. Generally figurative in composition, these latest pieces feel more honest than depictions. For example, the very recent image below is not a painting of flowers, but a painting first: one that happens to be inspired by flowers. Come to the show and sale November 12 and 13 to see and talk more about it (show info on home page).