sf open studios 2018 is nearly here

SF Open Studios, the oldest and largest open studios program in the country, is an annual, month-long art event in October and November that showcases over 800 emerging and established San Francisco artists.

I will be participating in three weekends this year and would love to see you at one or more of them! Each has ample parking and is convenient to transit.


Weekend 1: October 13 & 14 2018, 11am to 6pm
Room & Board
685 7th Street (between Brannan & Townsend)

Update: October 11: I am traveling for a family emergency and am not sure when I will be back.

Artworks at this location will not be seen other weekends. This is my second year to show at Room & Board, a distinct honor.

Weekend 3: October 27 & 28 2018 
11am to 6pm Saturday, 12:30pm to 6pm Sunday
St. Gregory of Nyssa Church
510 De Haro Street (at Mariposa)

I will be the sole artist at this location and thus will be showing the widest range and volume of my work. Note that Sunday will not start until after services, around 12:30pm. This is my fifth year in this location, and I am very grateful.

Weekend 5: November 10 & 11 2018, 11am to 6pm
Code & Canvas
151 Potrero Avenue (between Alameda & 15th)

I will be one of over a dozen artists in this newish art venue. Paul Madonna, famous for his "All Over Coffee" comics and books, will also be showing at Code & Canvas. This is the first year Code & Canvas has included visiting artists, and I am delighted to be invited.

That's a lot of SF Open Studios information! Luckily, it is all on the ArtSpan website:
